Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Still In the Dark pt. 4

When my brother and I finally made it to our home, it became apparent to me that he was not familiar with our home, because it was not the one he had visited in times past. I considered it a privilege to walk my brother around and show him how to maneuver his way throughout the house.  It required me to walk him around the kitchen, telling him where the refrigerator was, and allowing him to feel it. I would also let him walk along the wall to feel the entryways to different rooms.

We made our way through the kitchen, living room, downstairs to the basement, and even upstairs to the room that was now his. We repeated these steps numerous times, until we both felt like he was ready. Then the day I will never forget.

After walking downstairs, I remembered hearing my brother’s voice saying, “who is that” over and over again. Once I made it downstairs, I was surprised to see that my brother had lost his way, and his sense of direction. While he desired to go downstairs to the basement, he was lost in the middle of my living room, and reaching “blindly” for anything he could find.  

As I consider it now, tears still fill my eyes, because I hated the sight of seeing someone I LOVED SO MUCH, BLIND!

John 1:5 says, “darkness has not understood the light,” and when it’s dark, we can’t either.

No matter how much we think we know, God will puts us in foreign places, to see if we will rely upon his instructions, or will you rely upon on own instructions instead.

My message to the blind:

-carefully consider God’s instructions for your life.

-when unsure of the direction you are suppose to go STAY PUT.

-going through life with no direction, will lead to you bumping into something or maybe falling.

My message to those who lead the blind:

-growing comfortable with your loved ones living in the dark, is unacceptable

-repetitive instructions are the eyes for the blind.

-be watchful of ways of those you instruct, so they don’t hurt themselves.

-don't expect someone to know your voice when they are in a state of confusion.


-BE THANKFUL for those who give you instructions and directions.

Be Blessed! 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Still In the Dark pt. 3

After James was blind, I invited him out to live with our family. When I saw him I could not believe he was blind. He look liked the same brother I knew with shades on. Then I noticed something. As soon as he came off the plane, I could see James being led by an airline attendant, who would soon lead my brother to me. He held on to her elbow, and he followed her lead.

Life reminds me of this moment. When we are blind, no matter how much it looks like we know where were are going, or it looks as if we know what we are doing; when we are blind without anyone to lead, WE’RE LOST! 

John 1:5 again says, “darkness has not understood the light.” When it gets dark, blindness is coming. Never allow the light of understanding who your Savior is grow so dim, that you find yourself being your only guide in your dark world.

We don’t see it all, we can’t see it all, so lets relieve ourselves of acting like we know it all. When we think like that, its not that its dark, we are blind.

Find your guide, hold on tight, and let them lead you.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Still In the Dark pt. 2

I have an older brother, who is four years older than I am, and if you’ve seen my profile picture on face book, then you’ve seen my brother James. James lost his sight, and could not see. He was completely blind, and his expressed to me, his frustrations about becoming blind.  When the incident occurred that caused his blindness, he said, ”everything went dark.”

I remember to this day the statement to follow, “Darryl one of the worst things in life is to have had the ability to see, and then lose it.” This resonates in so many ways to life.

John 1:5 says the darkness has not understood the light. The goal of darkness is not to understand the light, the goal of darkness to become so dark that people are blind. When it grows so dark, that you cannot see where you are going, look for light. If life begins to lose its color, and you feel yourself gradually losing your sight, find the light. When you find yourself being led by someone who is blind (the blind leading the blind), call on the one True light!

Like my big brother said, “one of the worst things to happen in life, is to have had the ability to see, only to lose it.”

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Still In The Dark"

The darkness could not comprehend the light. John 1:5

As I took a run this morning before daybreak, I found myself jogging in an area that was dimly lit. Parts of the path, although having no light, allowed for a semi-visible perspective on what way I should go. In other words, “although it was dark, I still could see.”  “I could navigate my way through darkness.” 

The sensory gift, impacted the most by darkness is, the ability to SEE.  We can feel, smell, taste and touch, in the dark; but the ability to see in the dark is severely deprived. The world we live in relies heavily on ones ability to see.  Visual components enhance learning, living, and loving.  Our eyes truly are the “GATEWAY TO THE SOUL.”

It deserves mentioning that, “darkness does not always negate our ability to see.”  In fact darkness tends to reduce (not diminish) our ability to see clearly. A powerful tool of the enemy is “semi-darkness.” Semi-darkness occurs when there are places (things and decisions) in our lives that we think we see correctly, but in fact, our vision is impaired. We see enough to THINK we know which way to go, even though “we can’t see further than our next step!”

As people we need to understand some important components of the dark:

1. The main adversary to ones ability to see is the dark

2. Darkness complements darkness (a lot of dark things are created in the dark)

3. Many learn to adjust to the darkness (nocturnal species have larger eyes, and stronger sensory abilities that are not associated with seeing)

As we go through our lives we have to be honest with ourselves and answer some questions:

1.     God what are the things in my life that are impairing my vision?

2.     Have I become accustom to living in the dark, or what has allowed me to feel so comfortable with living in the dark?

3.     Do I really want to see?

I must say that the jogging path I took today, was a new one.  I was unfamiliar with the course, because I had never run it before. If I had been familiar with the course I’m sure I would have run faster, because I would have known my way.  God has a way of running us on paths that we are unfamiliar with; so it is important to remember that it is never safe to run your life’s course, “still in the dark.”

I desire your honest thoughts and comments, so please reply.  I would like to use this devotional as a part of my upcoming sermon so please dialogue with God and yourself on this manner and post your comments.  I plan on using your quotes in my sermon.



Ps. Darryl

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Preparation is the Precursor to Increase.”

Mark 4:20 “And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it, and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.”

This year my family decided to grow tomatoes in our backyard.  As we prepared for our first horticultural experience, it became obvious to all that two things were needed in order for the tomatoes to grow: seed and good soil.

The seeds were easy to find, and next, we were encouraged to buy fertilizer that would be mixed into soil to enhance the growth process.  The seeds were planted in the soil, the season of waiting was over, and to our surprise tomatoes began to grow!

We were not surprised by the seeds growing into plants, or that the plants actually produced tomatoes; what surprised us the most was that WE actually grew the tomatoes.

We are God’s increase!  God is the God of increase and His increase always breaks forth, through the soils of His creation.  Simply put, “when God prepares for increase, He looks to plant His seed (the word) into the soils of our hearts.”

As you prepare for your season of increase, cultivate the soil of your heart with rich nutrients of faith, allow the seed of God’s word to be planted, AND GROW.  Know that the SUPERNATURAL germination process is taking place, and that INCREASE HAS COME.

Just like those tomatoes, INCREASE COMES IN BUNDLES!


Make sure you have prepared your heart to receive all that God has for you.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

He chose you!

Many times in life I’ve had the privilege to be around some of the greatest athletes in the world. And because of that, I have become a self proclaimed expert judge of talent.  From  Saturday neighborhood sporting activities to professional sports; my eyes are always peering the fields, courts, gymnasiums, etc..., for The One.  The one who has something special, that little extra, that IT!

I can honestly say, I have a good eye for that “It,” and for the most part my initial observation of the athlete proves to be true.  One way or another that athlete will show some skill, talent, or leadership quality that proves he or she is special.

While I choose to think I am a good judge of talent; you have to wonder then, “well how good is God at assessing my abilities?”  

Many people naturally minimize, under appreciate, and overlook excellent qualities in other; but in a greater measure, a person tends to minimize, under appreciate, and overlook the excellent qualities in THEMSELVES.  When we wake up and look in the mirror we almost certainly see our scars and blemishes first before we can appreciate how beautiful we really are.  We spend more time thinking about how to fix something wrong with us, instead of appreciating all the things that have gone right with us.  WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS!

Based upon the bible we have a number of reasons to feel like we are special.  I know we may not do things special all the time, but none of the best athletes in the world have  great games every time they play.  I know you make mistakes, but Michael Jordan has missed more game winning shots than he’s made.  I know you can’t see it, but Christ can!  Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has always seen something special in us and that’s why He’s called us.

3 Points to knowing that you are special:

Jesus sees it in you:  When Jesus called four of His disciples (his students), it says He saw.  This leads me to believe that He saw something in them, that spurred Him on to ask them to leave their businesses to follow Him.  He had seen others people, engaged with them, but with with these four men, He was something in them.  Mark1:16; 19

He chose you: We got to the school of our choice or preference, we pick our professors, and we can even drop the course if we don’t like it. But not the case with Jesus.  He told His disciples, “you didn’t not choose Me, but I chose You.”  Man that is  an awesome thought, to know He saw something special in me and picked me to be on His team.  John 15:16a

He has appointed you:  There is a point that Christ meant for your life and existence.  Jesus created you distinctly, and uniquely your qualities to be used here on earth to help others, and to bear Godly fruit.  He says, “I appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” John 15:16b

To any of my friends that may not know Him, or even believe this about yourself, I think the reason why you are reading this far is because you can resinate with the “greatness trapped inside of you” although you have not let it all the way out.  

Never forget the greatest judge of talents and gifts is the One who chose YOU!  If no one else sees that IT in you, rest to sure that your creator (who is living and active) does.


Bless You!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Our Herod Moments Mark 6:14-29

Have you ever had a moment in life when you were confronted with your past mistakes?  Something you thought you had put to rest; that part of your life was over and done with.  You just wanted to move on and forget that phase of your life?  

In life it appears some of the greatest challenges we face are not just the ones the lie ahead, instead it’s the ones behind us that we are still trying to lay to rest.

How many of us would like to go back in time and erase some irresponsible behaviors, or take back some harsh word, or even change your attitude or temperament?  If we were honest with ourselves we would realize that, “time has left our mistakes behind, but we haven’t.”

King Herod was faced with this dilemma. As the acclaim and notoriety of Jesus began to grow; many people were trying to explain who this Jesus really was.  Some said He was a prophet, others said He was Elijah, and some said He was John the Baptist raised from the dead.  

The John the Baptist notion really struck a chord with Herod because, he in fact was the one who killed John the Baptist.  Mark 6:16 says, “But when Herod heard of it, he kept saying, ‘John, whom I beheaded, has risen!”  It all came back, how he did it, why he did it, and all who were impacted by his decision to kill John the Baptist.  In our own lives, there are times when it all comes back.  We have to relive it over again, we have to go back  to the scene of the crime, we remember our accomplices, and have sympathy for our victims.  And when you don’t have Jesus to forgive you; the torment, the guilt and the shame can kills you.

Herod killed John the Baptist because of 3 things:

Arrogance:  He made a promise in front of his prestigious banquet guest to demonstrate how much power he had.

Fear of Man:  He didn’t want to renege on his word because of the people, not because of his convictions.

He ignored his true feelings:  He knew it was wrong but he did it anyway.

In Christ there is forgiveness, and love.  We would be doomed if He kept record of our wrongs (sins), but with Christ there is forgiveness. (Ps. 130:3-4)

When you find yourself battling with past mistakes, or you find yourself holding the past mistakes of your loved ones over their heads; remember we have all been arrogant, we’ve done things to try to please others, and we have ignored our gut feelings when we were being prompted to do right (that’s the precious Holy Spirit).  Yet and still we have been blessed to be forgiven.

If you’ve had your Herod moments, allow Christ to redeem and restore you.  If you would like to share your Herod moments please do, and I will be sure to pray that God would redeem and restore you.


Pastor Darryl

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In life, there’s always another adventure, another challenge, and another goal that needs to be attained. There is a constant pushing and striving to experience this ultimate place of contentment, peace, or satisfaction.

But does a place exist where, if not constant peace, at least extended periods of satisfaction can be attained? Is contentment within reach, or is it out of your grasp? Can joy be found in another person, a job, a body make over, in money, in climatic experiences; or is the soul not receptive to peace and satisfaction? Does the core of man always yearn for more and more; and yet never realize satisfaction regardless the quality or quantity of what you achieve, receive or believe?

In Mark 4:35, Jesus said to His disciples, "Let us go to the other side." A very precarious statement considering the fact that WHERE HE WAS, His fame had grown (multitudes followed Him and listened to His preaching), His ministry was strong, as evident through miracles, signs, and wonders performed; yet Christ was prompted to leave the region He was familiar with, to go to a place where He was not know.

Was Christ not satisfied, were miracles not enough, was His growing celebrity not satisfying or were these things ever meant to be the source of His contentment in the first place? Money, desires met, no strife, good health, a mini van and 2.5 kids, a credit score above 700, the best education, the right job, great kids; would these things be good enough for us? Is realizing your lifelong dream good enough?

We need to learn from Christ and His actions some simple truths that will be the source of contentment in our lives:

  1. Contentment is not based upon popularity
  2. Satisfaction is not based upon accumulation
  3. Peace can not be found in a location

We find our source of contentment when we are moving in the right direction! Direction in life is established by God. He has a place or places for each one of us to go, things for us to do, and we can never find comfort with where we are, what we have, or what people think of us.

So my question to you is, “do you know what would make you content?”