Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In life, there’s always another adventure, another challenge, and another goal that needs to be attained. There is a constant pushing and striving to experience this ultimate place of contentment, peace, or satisfaction.

But does a place exist where, if not constant peace, at least extended periods of satisfaction can be attained? Is contentment within reach, or is it out of your grasp? Can joy be found in another person, a job, a body make over, in money, in climatic experiences; or is the soul not receptive to peace and satisfaction? Does the core of man always yearn for more and more; and yet never realize satisfaction regardless the quality or quantity of what you achieve, receive or believe?

In Mark 4:35, Jesus said to His disciples, "Let us go to the other side." A very precarious statement considering the fact that WHERE HE WAS, His fame had grown (multitudes followed Him and listened to His preaching), His ministry was strong, as evident through miracles, signs, and wonders performed; yet Christ was prompted to leave the region He was familiar with, to go to a place where He was not know.

Was Christ not satisfied, were miracles not enough, was His growing celebrity not satisfying or were these things ever meant to be the source of His contentment in the first place? Money, desires met, no strife, good health, a mini van and 2.5 kids, a credit score above 700, the best education, the right job, great kids; would these things be good enough for us? Is realizing your lifelong dream good enough?

We need to learn from Christ and His actions some simple truths that will be the source of contentment in our lives:

  1. Contentment is not based upon popularity
  2. Satisfaction is not based upon accumulation
  3. Peace can not be found in a location

We find our source of contentment when we are moving in the right direction! Direction in life is established by God. He has a place or places for each one of us to go, things for us to do, and we can never find comfort with where we are, what we have, or what people think of us.

So my question to you is, “do you know what would make you content?”

1 comment:

Verdell said...

ooooh!!! you're a blogger! that's awesome. check my blog out too!

p.s....i miss sundays after church :-(.