Thursday, November 13, 2008

Still In the Dark pt. 3

After James was blind, I invited him out to live with our family. When I saw him I could not believe he was blind. He look liked the same brother I knew with shades on. Then I noticed something. As soon as he came off the plane, I could see James being led by an airline attendant, who would soon lead my brother to me. He held on to her elbow, and he followed her lead.

Life reminds me of this moment. When we are blind, no matter how much it looks like we know where were are going, or it looks as if we know what we are doing; when we are blind without anyone to lead, WE’RE LOST! 

John 1:5 again says, “darkness has not understood the light.” When it gets dark, blindness is coming. Never allow the light of understanding who your Savior is grow so dim, that you find yourself being your only guide in your dark world.

We don’t see it all, we can’t see it all, so lets relieve ourselves of acting like we know it all. When we think like that, its not that its dark, we are blind.

Find your guide, hold on tight, and let them lead you.

1 comment:

Tommy and Candace said...

When you said your Brother was being led by the flight attendant it made me think about How she must have had instructions on who/where she was supposed to lead him to. He probably wouldn't have just held on to anyones elbow because who knows where they would have taken him. So for myself it encourages me to have a clear understanding of who my Guide is leading me to which should be to "Christ" and not a Stranger