Thursday, December 17, 2009

Never Sacrifice What You Want Most For What You Want For The Moment Pt. 3

Point #2
I’m famished…. Genesis 25:30
Esau was famished! He found himself wearied from the journey and toils of being out in the field; and it netted him nothing more than an unquenchable desire to satisfy his thirst. He desperately needed something to drink, because he had labored so hard while on his journey.
Through Esau we can surmise that even in our lives we can undertake good works, and embark upon God inspired journeys, that still may leave us tired, weary, and thirsting.
Dehydration is a craving generated from the central processing in the brain, and it screams, “YOU MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO DRINK AND YOU MUST HAVE IT NOW!” That’s where we find Esau in this “most vs. moment scenario.” Everything inside of him said “you need it now”, causing him to relinquish everything he was to inherited later.
We all have needs that must be met. We all hear the screaming sounds that yell, “you are dying of thirst.” Some things we thirst for are honorable before the Lord and others are not. For those that are pleasing to God, we must do what every coach, sports trainer, and parent from peewee sports to the pros encourages. “Drink a lot of fluids before you take the field.”
We must be proactive in preparing ourselves for the journey God has set for our lives. We must hydrate our minds, our souls, and our spirits before we take the field to battle in this world. When I see Esau, and consider my life and the lives of others, I realize that what caused him to be famished, and to ultimately give up his birthright, was because he didn’t do at least one (if not more) of these things:
1. He did not hydrate himself properly before going out into the field.
2. He did not prepare properly for the journey, and ran out of what he needed before his journey ended.
3. He didn’t distinguish between his flesh saying, “You need it now” and his spirit saying, “you can really do without that stew.”
When you find yourself thirsty and desperately in need of a drink, listen to the Spirit of God and remember the words Jesus spoke to the woman at the well in John 4:13-14
Take a sip of Jesus today!
See you next time when we talk about Esau feeling like he was going to die.


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