Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pressing On

In preparing for my sermon the other day, I continually found myself amazed at the level of humility and transparency the Apostle Paul share with his church in Philippi.

I am following a sweet friend's journey to lose weight ( and I have been thoroughly encouraged by her transparency, and honesty. She continues to inspire me and I feel it right take the journey with her. We all have a journey set for us and a prize at the end, but it requires us to have a perspective like Paul.

Philippians 3:12-14

He told them:
I haven’t already obtained the prize. (vs. 12a)
I’m not perfect (vs. 12b)
I do not consider myself as having taken hold of it. (vs. 13)

Paul seemed to understand that he still had a ways to go, he wasn’t perfect, and that he needed to give a true picture of where he was.

This gives a sense of relief in my soul to know that while we strive for perfection in Christ Jesus (which is the goal), we must be brutally honest with God, ourselves, and with others on where we really are.

“We will never strive, if we think we have arrived.”

Today give careful consideration to where you desire to be in life, assess where you truly are and with the power of our Savior “Press On!”

