Thursday, September 18, 2008

Preparation is the Precursor to Increase.”

Mark 4:20 “And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it, and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.”

This year my family decided to grow tomatoes in our backyard.  As we prepared for our first horticultural experience, it became obvious to all that two things were needed in order for the tomatoes to grow: seed and good soil.

The seeds were easy to find, and next, we were encouraged to buy fertilizer that would be mixed into soil to enhance the growth process.  The seeds were planted in the soil, the season of waiting was over, and to our surprise tomatoes began to grow!

We were not surprised by the seeds growing into plants, or that the plants actually produced tomatoes; what surprised us the most was that WE actually grew the tomatoes.

We are God’s increase!  God is the God of increase and His increase always breaks forth, through the soils of His creation.  Simply put, “when God prepares for increase, He looks to plant His seed (the word) into the soils of our hearts.”

As you prepare for your season of increase, cultivate the soil of your heart with rich nutrients of faith, allow the seed of God’s word to be planted, AND GROW.  Know that the SUPERNATURAL germination process is taking place, and that INCREASE HAS COME.

Just like those tomatoes, INCREASE COMES IN BUNDLES!


Make sure you have prepared your heart to receive all that God has for you.